Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On other websites...

Here are some links to interesting recent articles about film...

From The Onion AV Club, their list of 50 best films of the last decade:,35931/
I can't say I agree with every choice, but they also included a lot of films (foreign or small arthouse flicks) that I haven't had the chance to see. On the same site they have other "Best of the Decade" articles including the best bad movies, favorite scenes, and the best performances of the '00s.

For another take on the "best of the decade," a list of the best films from 1900-1910 courtesy of the Movie Morlocks blog on

And from, an amusing article about how a shirt buttoned all the way up has become costuming shorthand for "special":
*Disclaimer: there is no mention of something being the best of the decade in this article.

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